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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Tax??? income 

April, the month for filling our income tax. I am hoping that the collected tax shall be deliver to the needs of the many not to the pockets of some government officials.

I was saddened by the news that some high profile personalities in the society do not declare their income honestly to avoid the taxation of their income. It’s good to hear that the government is serious in their campaign to combat poverty and As a Filipino, let’s help our country and do our responsibility. If we want to criticize our government, expressing our blah blahs, then we should be an honest taxpayer first.

1 comment(s):

yeah, you're right! those people who strongly opposed VAT are those who don't want to pay their taxes. probably to cover up their real agenda. whatta shame?!

I hope they'll be in jail for this...

By Blogger EarlThad, at 4/22/2005 12:12 AM  

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